It’s ALL in Your Head! Motivation For Success in Health and Fitness

1. Take Control – I understand this may not be easy for some but the fact is that we are all responsible for our own thoughts, feelings and emotions. Except in extreme circumstances – we can take control of these things and train our minds (just like muscles) to become stronger, more durable and more positive.2. Make a habit of exercising – “Healthy body, healthy mind”. Not only does exercise make you feel good physically and emotionally it also encourages positive hormones to be released in your body and brain.3. Eat right – “You are what you eat” A diet of junk and nutrient poor food starves your body and brain of nutrients they need to function properly and feel good.4. Be realistic/flexible – Accept that there will be setbacks, successes and failures. It is natural to go and up and down with one’s motivation and emotion and it is natural that the best laid plans with often be interrupted. Accept frustration and find solutions or just keep moving forward despite them.5. Develop disciplines – Change requires change! Meaning if you want to be more positive – you have to do something that will result in more positivity – like reading a book! You need to develop disciplines of learning the things you need to learn or exercising or eating better or sleeping better or all of the above! Just be careful not to try to do it all at once! Take baby steps.6. Baby steps – Sometimes when we look at what we can improve – numerous things appeal to us or confront us! Pick the one or three most important things you want to change and start with – trying to do too much can be a recipe for disaster.7. Be grateful – an attitude of gratitude attracts positivity! Gratitude involves positive thought and therefore creates a state of mind of looking for more positives. Find anything to appreciate – your time, body, friends, things, weather, life!8. Smile – “when you smile the whole world smiles with you – when you’re sad you are alone” quite simply you get what you give – if you can give some positivity in a smile – you will get some positivity back!9. Use Positive affirmations – Positive affirmations can be a great way to train your mind and change some thought patterns. Try to choose your three most self-limiting thoughts and train yourself to turn those thoughts into uplifting thought! (e.g. instead of “I’ll always be fat” – affirm to yourself “I am getting fitter and leaner by the day and I will be proud to achieve my goal weight of 80kgs by July 30 2011″10. Relieve stress/anger – It is hard to avoid stress and anger so it is important to have some mechanisms to relieve these negatives. Have some strategies in place – talk to your partner/friend/trainer, go for a walk/swim, do a weights or boxing session – find something you enjoy and have it available when needed.11. Remove stress – This may not always be possible but quite often it is! If you can avoid a stressful situation then do! Or if you have a problem hanging over your head – deal with it. Sometimes delaying confrontation can be more stressful than the confrontation itself.12. Find passions/talents – We all have something special about us. Find and develop your talents or passions. You don’t have to be the best in the world in what interests you but if you can find something to do that you deeply enjoy doing – this can be a great outlet and can build great peace and strength.13. Act – don’t react – Being proactive can mean taking the imitative in different circumstances. (e.g. instead of waiting for ill-health to inspire you to get fit – you can get fit before ill-health comes. On a deeper level being proactive means realising that “Between what happens to us – and how we react to what happens to us – is our ability to choose our response”. To me this means that in any given situation we have the ability to control what we do – no matter what happens to us – we can choose how we will act.14. Look for humour – “Life is too important to be taken seriously” A little humour and laughter will lighten your day and those around you – but make sure it’s not sarcasm or at your own and anyone else’s expense.15. Learn something – Read positive or inspiring books, learn a language, learn about health and fitness or positive mental attitudes. A little time learning can be both developmental, inspiring and relaxing.16. Prioritise yourself – before you can be best for others you need time to be best for yourself. This may mean time out to go to the gym or see friends or read. If you are giving too much of yourself and not enjoying it – then you need to make time for yourself first!17. Find meaning – You are in grave danger when you get me started on “meaning” but basically this means find yourself some “philosophy”. This could be a religion or it could just be some guiding thoughts that help you feel connected to yourself, your life, this world and those around you. Find yourself a purpose for living – it could be to help others, be the best? you can be or just to live a happy life. Be careful – if you don’t seek a philosophy – you will get one by default!18. Use audio books – Listening to audio can be a great way to learn, relax and grow and you can do it almost anywhere – whilst driving, riding, walking, cleaning etc. If you don’t enjoy reading – try listening!19. Wake early – Wake up with a purpose for the day! Sleeping all day 10 -12 hours or more can be as harmful as not enough sleep and is certainly not motivating. Don’t over-sleep.20. Sleep well – Try to get at least 7- 8 hours of sleep per night. This is the minimum for good health but you don’t need any more than 10 hours in most cases.21. Make plans – Plan your life, plan your year, plan your month, plan your week, plan your day! Having plans let’s you decide what you will be doing and why and can keep you on a positive path! If you don’t choose what you want in your life – somebody else will choose for you.22. Connect with positive people – Sometimes you need to put yourself in a position where you will find good influences. Visit a church or a social group or sports group or gym.23. Get better, not bitter – realise that we can’t always control what life pushes our way but we can always control what we do with what we’ve got!

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Wedding Photography Tips

The wedding is normally one of the most important days in the lives of a couple. A great deal of planning and expense is usually involved and capturing the memories of the day is something that most people cherish. Pictures are a great way to capture and record many aspects of the wedding. So here are some wedding photography tips to consider.The quality of the equipment used to take the wedding pictures is certainly a very important aspect. You can be the best photographer in the world but if your equipment is of poor quality, the results will be less than satisfactory. So make certain the equipment is suitable for the desired results.Most people and even professional photographers use digital cameras. The resolution of the cameras is an important part of the quality and results which can be achieved. Cameras can range from 1 to 20 mega pixel resolution. In general, a higher resolution camera should be used for applications where larger pictures will be produced. A lower resolution camera will result in grainy looking pictures if they are enlarged too much.So think about the types of pictures which will be taken and displayed and then make certain the camera has adequate resolution to handle these needs.Lighting is also a vital consideration when it comes to taking good pictures. Many weddings take place indoors so limited lighting can be a factor. While some cameras have capabilities to handle low lighting situations, it may be advisable to use external lighting sources to enhance the overall results.And lighting is a very important consideration when it comes to outdoor shots as well. Make certain the camera has adjustments and allowances to maximize the results from natural lighting environments.Another very important consideration when it comes to wedding photography tips is the arrangement of shots and poses. Many amateur photographers simply have limited experience and ability when it comes to setting up shots and arranging the best possible poses.Anyone can use a high quality camera and snap lots of pictures. However the ability to set up special shots and arrange people properly in poses can make all the difference in the world. This is why anyone who plans on taking wedding pictures needs to understand this and learn how to accomplish it properly.A professional wedding photographer typically has a great deal of experience in this area and can therefore achieve desired results. They also understand how to be a part of the action and activity in the wedding without necessarily disrupting it.But whether you do it yourself or use professional photographers, make certain these tips are followed and you should achieve the best results.

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Is the Internet Lifestyle Network Legit?

IS THE INTERNET LIFESTYLE NETWORK A SCAM?Before I answer the question about whether the Internet Lifestyle Network is a scam, I would like to define scam.Scam – A scam as many know is a dishonest scheme. One thing I have discovered when people ask the question if something is a scam, what they are really asking is will I be able to make money if I buy into this product. Many people have taken various entrepreneurial journeys and when they did not see the results they expected, they felt scammed and wrote negative reviews because they did not see the results they were expecting.But what about the Internet Lifestyle Network? Is it a scam and can I make money if I joined? Before I answer that I would like for you to know that I am someone that has tried several business opportunities. I did not see the results I expected and quite frankly, I was tired of hunting my family and friends down only to let them know about the latest greatest MLM opportunity that could give them financial freedom in 2 years. Now I don’t have anything against MLM but I wanted to give some background information so you would know where I’m coming from as it relates to the internet lifestyle. I am actually a part of an MLM right now and NO, I’m not going to pitch you or tell you what company it is because that’s scammy! You asked about the Internet Lifestyle Network so the Internet Lifestyle Network is what you will have.So here are the pros and cons of the network. There are people making money everyday in the Internet Lifestyle Network. The Internet Lifestyle Network is just that… A Network. It is a Network of Entrepreneurs from various backgrounds and various opportunities. The Internet Lifestyle Network provides custom done for you blog solutions. If you already have a business opportunity but you lack knowledge on Marketing and Branding yourself, Internet Lifestyle Network (ILN for short) provides 1st class training on Internet Marketing. The visionary behind ILN is Vince. Vince created a 6 figure business using a garage table and a computer and he has vowed to share everything he knows to the members of ILN.What I love most about ILN is the transparency amongst the members. Another benefit of ILN is that you don’t have to be a part of the community or network if you choose not to. If you only want a custom professionally designed blog, then you can get that and be on your merry way. But if you love your blog and you would like to tell other people how they can have an amazing blog just like yours, you will have an opportunity to become an affiliate and make 50% commissions for everyone that gets a blog through you. But it doesn’t stop there. ILN also offers webhosting for only 14.95/month. If you refer someone to ILN and they use ILN for webhosting, you would receive half of 14.95 every month. Webhosting is more than just webhosting. If you have questions, you will be able to post your questions on the private community’s group page and in my personal experience, my questions have been answered and issues resolved within the same hour.There are three levels in which you could join ILN and each level determines the level of information you would have access to as it relates marketing training, coaching, and the amount of commissions you can receive. The three levels are Apprentice, Presidential, and Executive.The Apprentice level includes the webhosting and a few training videos and that is 14.95 month. So for anyone you bring in as an apprentice, you will receive a 50% commission for them buying a blog through you as well as 50% of 14.95 per month for every month your apprentice is with the Internet Lifestyle Network.The 2nd level is Executive. The Executive level is only $97.00 a month and you will have more time to be personally coached by Internet Marketing Coach Vince, who is consistently making 50k month and the beauty of it is he is only 27 years old. Now here is the thing. You can only get a 50% commission on the executive level if you yourself have an executive level membership or higher. Again you only get paid on executive IF YOU ARE EXECUTIVE. So for every month the person you refer has an executive level membership, you will receive 50% of $97.Obviously if you come on at the Executive level, there will still be a certain amount of information you don’t have access to because that information is reserved for the presidential level. That is one of the downsides to the company but I know that’s what most companies are doing these days. And the fact that you have to pay $97 a month could potentially prevent people from joining due to their financial situation. However, once you learn a few marketing tricks and learn your way around the internet, you could potentially have a nice return on your investment with just one sale. Because with ILN, if one person decides to get a blog through you and become a part of the network, you are looking at upwards of $250 for just one sale. That’s not counting the residual income you would receive monthly for the ones that decide to become a member. So depending on how much work you are willing to put in to get good results, $97 per month can be a good thing or it can be a bad thing. That’s really the only cons I see with ILN.The 3rd level is Presidential. The Presidential level is $197 a month and you will have access to EVERYTHING Vince knows. If you have a presidential membership and you refer someone who wants to purchase a presidential membership, you will receive a$100 commission a month for everyone you refer to the network. So if you referred 50 people to the network, that’s an extra $60,000 a year. This is truly a social network you can profit from. Imagine if some of your friends on facebook wanted to be innovative, go into business for themselves, or expand their own branding with their current business opportunity. That’s residual income for you. That’s just one of the perks of being a part of the Internet Lifestyle Network. We haven’t even scratched the surface regarding the marketing training and how you can make 20-50k per month.If you want to learn more about ILN, visit the link below and you will see various blog designs as well as a video that explains how you can earn commissions through purchasing a professionally designed and done for you blog.Http://

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